When using the In-canvas command prompt the following commands can be typed directly in the AVEVA E3D Model module :
Command | Description |
AIDARC | Invokes function to create AID type Arc |
AIDBIS | Invokes function to create an AIDLIN bisecting between two non-parallel AIDLINs |
AIDCIR | Invokes function to create AID type Circle |
AIDFIL | Invokes function to create filleting AIDARC connecting two non-parallel AIDLINs |
AIDLIN or L | Invokes function to create AID type Line |
AIDPOI | Invokes function to create AID type Point |
AIDTAN | Invokes function to create an AIDLIN tangential to two circles which are non-concentric |
AIDTEXT | Invokes function to create AID type Text |
ANGLE | To calculate angle between any two entities |
AREA | To create area arrangement |
BRACING | To specify bracing gaps for existing diagonal elements or members |
CAMERA | Enables to lock view wrt an object. Also disables 3D orbit mode when it is enabled |
CANCEL | Cancels any current operation in-progress |
CO or COPY | Invokes function to copy selected entities with respect to a base point selected and also paste them at required locations in a loop |
COPYBASE | Invokes function to copy selected entities with respect to a base point selected |
COPYCLIP | Invokes function to copy selected entities without any base point |
CONNECT | Enables function to connect any two GENSECs |
CUTBASE | Invokes function to CUT/PASTE selected entities with respect to a base point selected |
CUTCLIP | Invokes function to CUT/PASTE selected entities |
CURVE | To create curve from plane |
D or LINDIM | Invokes function to create db type Linear Dimension |
DECKS | To create decks |
DELETE | To delete selected entities |
DISCONNECT | Enables function to disconnect any two connected GENSECs |
DIST or DI | To calculate distance between any two entities |
EM or EDITMODE | Triggers Edit Mode |
ENDATUM | Create an ENDATU Fixing at selected End of GENSEC. Specs can be set only for old BS Column and Beam type profiles |
EXTEND | Enables function to extend the end of a structural element to a reference element. |
FILLET | To create a Fillet between two non-connected structural elements |
FLY | Enable FLY mode operation |
FORCETRIM | To trim an attached GENSEC to selective Pline of Owning GENSEC |
FOVY | Enables option to enter new Vertical field-of-view angle(Projection mode should be in Perspective to enable this option) |
GENSECDEF | Triggers function to set default specification wrt. existing GENSEC |
GFITT_CRE | Enable function to create a GENSEC Fitting |
GFITT_MOD | Enable function to modify a GENSEC Fitting |
GRIDCY | Invokes function to create a new GRID CYLINCER for Radial Grid only in In-Mode |
GRIDID | Resets IDs of REFGRDs |
GRIDPL | Invokes function to create a new GRID PLANE for REFGRD in IN-Mode(Currently works for a single REFGRD) |
ID | Queries Coordinate Positions at snapped position |
IN | Triggers IN or Include mode |
JMOD | Enables user to modify joints on a SECTION |
LCS | Invokes operation to change Coordinate system between Local and World |
LINDIMA | Invokes function to create db type Aligned Dimensions |
LOOKROUND | Enables 3D Orbit mode option to look around a locked view in Perspective ProjMode |
M or MOVE | Invokes function to move entities with respect to a base point selected and also paste them at required locations in a loop |
MERGE | To merge two members of same element type |
MI or MIRROR | To mirror any selected Structural Elements by defining a Mirror Plane |
MITRE | Enables option to Mitre two ends of GENSECs |
MLABEL | Invokes a function that creates a Label in 3D Canvas |
MREDO | Enables user to REDO all previous actions or to desired no. of actions |
NEXT | To go Forwards through Views |
OUT | Trigger OUT mode by exiting IN mode |
OUTALL | takes user all the way out |
OSNAPD | Triggers Distance Snap Mode function |
P or PAN | Enables REALTIME PAN option |
PANARC | Enables function to Create a ARC PANEL using three point or two point methods |
PANCIRC | Enables function to Create a CIRCULAR PANEL with multiple options |
PANDIR | Pans View towards selected PLAN VIEW directions |
PANDISC | Enables function to Create a DISC PANEL using Centre+ or two point methods |
PANELSURF | To create panel from surface |
PANELPLANAR | To create pane from grid plane |
PANELNXTRDISC | Creates a Negative extrusion of a PANEL in Circular Shape in 3 different Modes |
PANELNXTRMULT | Creates a Negative extrusion of a PANEL in Rectangular Shape using Multiple Points |
PANELNXTRRECT | Creates a Negative extrusion of a PANEL in Rectangular Shape using Two Points |
PANMULT | Enables function to Create a RECTANGULAR PANEL with multiple points |
PANOFFSET | Enables function to Create a an Offset Perimeter of PANEL with multiple points |
PANRECT | Enables function to Create a RECTANGULAR PANEL using two points |
PANRING | Enables function to Create a RING PANEL using three point to two point methods |
PASTECLIP | To paste any copied or cut elements that are available in current session |
PFITT_CRE | Enable function to create a PANEL Fitting |
PFITT_MOD | Enable function to modify a PANEL Fitting |
PL or PLINE | Enables function to create a Polyline |
PLAN | Set the current View to Plan View mode |
PR or PROPERTIES | Open Property Window if not opened already in the application |
PREV | To go Back through Views |
PROJMODE | Toggles between Projection modes Orthogonal or Perspective |
RADIAL | Enables option to create a Radial Grid |
REDO | Redo any operation that was previously called back(Performed Undo) |
REFGRD | Enables option to create a Reference Grid |
RO or ROTATE | Invokes function to rotate any object around any defined axis |
SCALE | To Scale a Structural Element by selecting a Base Point |
SECARC | Creates an ARC GENSEC and also gives multiple options to choose the way they are created |
SECCUR | Creates a Curved GENSEC and also gives multiple options to choose the way they are created |
SECRING | Creates a RING GENSEC and also gives multiple options to choose the way they are created |
SECTION | Creates a Straight GENSEC and gives multiple options to choose the way they are created |
SELALL | To select all the elements in 3D View |
SPLICE | To Splice any Structural Element(s) in multiple ways |
SPLIT | To split any Structural Element(s) in multiple ways |
STRETCH | To Stretch any Structural Element along a defined path |
SURFACE | To create Surface |
SPACE | To create space arrangement |
TOWER | Enables option to create a Rectangular Tower Grid |
TOWERT | Enables option to create a Triangular Tower Grid |
U | To Undo any current operation |
UNDO | Enables user to UNDO all operation or to desired no. of counts |
WALK | Enables user to WALK around a Model |
Z or ZOOM | Enables Zoom options |
-VIEW or -V | To change any View between Isometric or Orthographic or Plan View |
-PAN or -P | PANs view wrt base point selection |
3DO or 3DORBIT | Enables 3D Orbit mode |